
For years, the political establishment has hurt Australians with mass immigration.

2024 is the year we hit pause.

Read our open letter to the Minister for Immigration.

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Reasons we need to hit pause now.

    1. Immigration puts downward pressure on wages, and upward pressure on house and rental prices.

    2. It’s making the average Australian poorer, lowering GDP per capita.

    3. Immigration is hugely expensive for taxpayers relying on endless infrastructure and public services to keep up with growth.

    1. Immigration changes towns, cities and countries and displaces people. Sydney and Melbourne are nearly majority foreign-born.

    2. Rapid immigration without integration creates enclaves, lowers social trust in communities.

    3. Immigration can bring crime, unemployment and negative social behaviours.

    1. Immigrants disproportionately vote for socially democratic parties, such as Labor.

    2. Sometimes migrant communities vote in contrary to the local populace.

    3. Too often foreign interests clash with Australian interests.

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For a better future

and stronger Australia.